Key Inclusions
Current market value
Our team will provide you with a price range of each property's current market value
Estimated market performance
Using our research data and analysis, we will provide you with an estimated market performance of each property over the long term.
Add-value potential for your properties
We’ll help you understand the add-value potential for your existing properties.
Hold/sell recommendation
After applying our detailed analysis, we will advise you whether to sell a property or hold onto it for a longer period.
Key suburb indicators
We'll provide detailed commentary about the suburb and the factors that are contributing to a property's strength or weakness as a long-term investment.
Research commentary on market conditions
Using our up-to-date research data, we'll provide commentary on the property market and overall economic conditions that could impact your properties.
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All data and results have been independently collated by Momentum Wealth and while all due care has been taken to represent true and accurate information it may not be a true reflection of the market or audience. You must not rely on the information in the report as an alternative to professional property investment advice. We do not represent, warrant, undertake or guarantee that the use of guidance in the report will lead to any particular outcome or result. We will not be liable for any business losses, including without limitation, loss of or damage to profits, income, revenue, use, production, anticipated savings, business, contracts, commercial opportunities or goodwill from the use of this report All investments carry financial, regulatory and legal risk, investors are advised to do the necessary checks and research on any investments beforehand. Past performance may not be indicative of future results. All investments involve varying degrees of risk hence it should not be assumed that future performance of any specific investment strategy will result in the indicated performance on this document.